Whitstable Tidings Issue 7 2013

The monthly journal of Whitstable and Seasalter Golf Club
Collingwood Road, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 1EB Tel 01227 272020
e-mail secretary@whitstable-golfclub.co.uk
Web site www.whitstable-golfclub.co.uk
Volume 7 Issue no.3 1st July 2013

Editor Bob Ireland, 01227 638425, 07802874914,robert.ireland@gmail.com

Stop Press
Will all members note that Mondays through the summer the 1st 2nd, 10th and 11th tees are reserved for the juniors and their mentors between 1700hrs and 1900hrs.

From The Office

We have received a regular flow of Membership applications during the past three months which has continued to justify the advertising campaign – although total membership numbers are still less than last year.

At recent Board and Committee meetings the following topics were discussed:-

* A petition had been handed into the Secretary, duly signed by sufficient members, requesting a Special General Meeting of Seasalter Golf Club Ltd. It was agreed that full details would be published and the Meeting arranged on the same date as the Special General Meeting of Whitstable and Seasalter Golf Club , to keep costs to a minimum.

* The Special General Meeting of the Golf Club required to amend Club Rules had been set for Saturday 20th July at 1030 am.

* A wording for a questionnaire on proposed changes to the Dress Code had been finalized and would be circulated and returned.

* Virtually all Health and Safety requirements had now been completed.

* On Health and Safety grounds the proposed lengthening of the 3rd hole had been turned down.

* There was concern over the age of our course machinery which had proved unreliable recently. The Club has always relied on the purchase and use of second hand machinery.

* Malcolm Kent’s appointment of Course Director was confirmed.

* Following a re-inspection by Canterbury City Council the Golf Club’s Hygiene rating had been improved for both Bar and Kitchen.

* There was still insufficient evidence or information for the Sub Committee to make any definite recommendations for the proposed borehole.

• Income exceeded Expenditure for the Company financial year ending 30th March 2013. With the current number of Members this healthy situation was likely to continue, although there were projects in the pipeline which would involve considerable expense.

Brian Best Secretary

The website has been revamped and there are still some small problems to sort out. If you are having trouble accessing the members page e-mail Bob Ireland at robert.ireland@gmail.com and all will be resolved! Your comments on the website would be appreciated any improvements you can suggest will be considered. I am currently awaiting new photographs of the course and clubhouse for inclusion in the website so please be patient, it will rise to a thing of beauty before too long!

Recent Events

Greens and Course News
Greens Committee meeting 11am Tuesday 4th June 2013.
Present; Malcolm Kent, John Rosser, Brian Best Steve and Seth. (Copy to Captain)
1. The overgrown hedging in Westcliffe (overhanging Westcliffe side) and the overgrown ditch to the left of the first tee to be tidied. Contractor arranged.

2. The water damaged “pot holes” on the fairways will be further repaired as soon the weather conditions allow. (after Summer) It is noted that after the wettest winter for 12 years and then the coldest spring for 50 years the seed did not germinate. Top dressing, sand and seed are used. Turf or soil in not an option as it cannot support wear of trolleys and foot traffic in wet weather.

3. Tidy the mat area around the 2nd tee to improve visually.

4. The path behind the 4th green to be lifted and re-laid when time will allow but hopefully before the end of September/October to allow safer passage for buggies when the path is in full use.

5. Approach to the 2nd green will be levelled in the autumn with turf being used to give a flatter area between the ditch and the green.

6. Conifer trees around the 9th tee to be reduced in width. Contractor arranged.

7. Improvement of certain areas, one being the worn grass between the causeway bridge and the 8th tee, with the artificial turf we have in stock.

We then discussed various items for future work.
Bigger white posts to left hand side of 7th tee. Agreed.
A notice for the members to inform them of the breakdown of the rough mower to be placed on notice board. (resolved). Secretary to write. Completed
A larger more prominent notice to inform members that they must report all balls , hit off the course, in the book provided. M. Kent to produce. Completed
The need for a working party to unroll and sweep the last Astroturf roll in the car park to lighten and make available to move more easily. After golf week, volunteers required. Completed
Ball washer water to be renewed. Greens staff. Completed
Path and winter tee(5th) behind 4th green to be improved prior to winter tees in use. Greens staff.

As the green staff are very busy in the summer a full greens committee will meet again on Tuesday 3rd September. Malcolm will liaise with greens staff and secretary regularly, either phone, email or face to face.
Malcolm Kent

Anyone who has questions about the course or greens should now direct them to the new course director Malcolm Kent, who will answer them through the greens committee.
The answers will be published in the Tidings.

The Old Salts Captain Colin Chapman, Vice Captain George Bawden
Secretary Alec Parrett

When the Salts travelled to Foreland for their rescheduled match, cancelled because of the wintry conditions back in March, (are we mad to expect to play that early?) the main winner in June was again the weather, with wind gusts of up to 50 mph. The new date fell slap in the middle of Whitstable Golf Week, sadly further reducing the already diminishing attendance for our annual celebration of our great game at Collingwood Road.
Winners in the wind at Foreland were Colin Chapman, who successfully kept his head down partnering John Dowle, and Robbie Fudge with Gwyn Oakley. Martyn Dines and Colin Satchell, and Dave Kinnersley playing with Kit Ryan got a half. A close result saw Whitstable just coming up short, 3 ½ to 4 ½.
A slightly better result came against Chestfield, played at Collingwood Road a few days later, that saw a very creditable draw 4-4.
Winners were Ian Burton and Colin Holton, Tony Bensted and Clive Witten, Brian Best and Bob McCormick, George Bawden and Ian Wingrove on yet another windy day.
The Salts got out their satnavs for the journey to Faversham after a three-day rest and were welcomed by great hosts, great weather, a course in great condition and an almost great result. The lads were just shaded by their hosts, 4 ½ – 3½..a very creditable showing on a testing course. The busy Salts were on the road again four days later, travelling to St Augustine’s for the popular Kay Shield Trophy, which we currently hold. Tiredness must be the only excuse in a game played in less summery weather, with a cold blustery wind, for we went down by 6 to 2 and it promises to be a huge task to grab a hat-trick of wins when we entertain the St Augustine’s team in the return leg later this year.
As the month closed and the weather found its form at last Trevor Croxton also found his with a fine win in the Hugh Ridley Trophy. ‘It was my best 18 holes I have played at Whitstable. And I made all my short putts’, he said. With a nett 60 he just edged out Gentleman Brian Ridley who carded a very creditable 62. Next in line for the golf ball prizes were Bob McCormick and John Dowle. Bob just shaded John on countback with 65. That Old fox Les Cox merits a mention. The octogenarian Gentleman carded a great nett 67……..after five putts that lipped out. Peter Steigmann joined vice George Bawden for the Captain’s Challenge and helped George see off John Dowle and John Shepherd 3&1.
Earlier in the month during the best three cards game Captain Colin was on the starting blocks with George Bawden to see off the combined might of John Wegner and back to health Ted Backhouse, winning by 4&2. Their Captain’s record is sure looking up. Who will beat them?
The Salts were up there too in Golf Week, John Wegner coming fourth in the Five-Club Trophy. The improving Gwyn Oakley grabbed top spot in the Bogey Competition after a countback with Peter Steigmann. It was good to see David Annal competing well at last after a lay-off because of injury, with Brian Ridley also knocking on the door for Bogey honours.
Junior Section Captain Richard Smith, Vice captain Jack Tucker
Secretary Peter Wade.

Ladies Section Captain Jackie Witten, Vice Captain Linda Bawden
Secretary Jean Hudson

Another lovely time was had by all when the Bank Holiday Mixed Greensomes was held at the end of May; winners overall were David and Penny Kinnersley, followed by Jack Dale and Mary King, then Desmond and Margaret Barker. Linda and George Bawden were best on the front nine; Mel Bashford and Steve Rumball on the back nine.
May finished in the manner of weather to which we had become accustomed and promptly put paid to the Jubilee Foursomes, this had to be postponed to the end of August. Maybe the temperature will have risen above freezing by then.
The Tim Pullin Trophy was played for on the 4th June, 34 points won it, Linda Bawden taking the trophy on countback from Margaret Barker.
After her win as lady golfer of the Week in Golf Week, Mel Bashford promptly proceeded to win the medal the following Tuesday, net 69. Second was Jenny Vening, after a long lay-off, coming back in fine style, net 70; welcome back ! Pat Bensted also got 70. For once, it was a warm, and almost sunny day, which was a bit of a shock for us all, but we coped! More please.
The ladies of North Foreland visited, and went home second, Whitstable ladies put up a great show, winning 3 and 1.
Lots of knock-out competitions knocking about at the moment, resulting in fatigue, but it’s that time of year.
On the 25th there was a drawn stableford, with teams of three, intended to be one player from each handicap division. This was done as close as possible, but was hard to achieve in practice. However, the sun shone; a perfect golf day; so rare! The winning team got a total of 88 points; Pat Bensted, Shirley Dalton, and Betty Washby. Second, with 2 points fewer; Shirley Rosser, Stella Lakin and Sheila Wyles.
Another drawn event on Thursday 27th, a 9 hole qualifier, two teams of 13 ladies, drawn by the Captain and Secretary, so the two officers could compete for — the gonk! Well, the competition is to lose the gonk really, as there is a decent cup for the winner, the gonk goes home with the runner up who then has to decide where to hide it for a year! The winning team was that of the secretary, Jean Hudson, 179 total points. Lady captain Jackie Witten took the gonk home, her team getting 6 points less. She was however the individual winner, with 18 points over the 9 holes, on countback from Madge Harris and Irene Snowdon. But there were lots of cakes afterwards, made by Pat Bensted and Mary Calthrop, which went down well.

Men’s Section Captain Richard Gremo, Vice Captain Andy Sargeant

Golf Report for Sunday mornings – June / July

After an erratic start, which included six double bogies over his first ten holes, Brian Best managed to play the best golf of his life to drop only one shot over the closing holes and finish winner with a net 62. Gary Morgan with a net 63 took second place on countback from Martyn Silverton.
Difficult windy conditions didn’t prevent high quality golf from many competitors during Golf Week. The opening men’s medal event saw a great performance from Richard Smith who finished with a net 59 four shots clear of Ronnie Rumball who had to settle once again for second place. Other excellent performance came from Terry Bills winner of Sunday’s Stableford, Stuart Brown winner of the Five Club competition and Gwnfor Oakley winner of Thursday’s Bogey. The men’s “Golfer of the Week” prize went to Howard Gordon. After excellent wins in the Flag and Stableford competitions he went on to take third places in the five-club and Bogey competitions to clinch his golf week champion title.
Lloyd Foster set himself up for yet another win in the prestigious thirty-six hole Canterbury Cup event after a classy net 61 morning round. John Wegner also did well and was in second place at the halfway stage, after his net 63. Richard Davis managed best PM score and his net 63 was good enough to take third place overall. However, both Lloyd and John held their nerve and did enough during the afternoon to hold on to the overall winner and runner up slots.
The friendly matches played home and away against Chestfield Golf Club saw Seasalter suffer narrow defeats in both matches. At Seasalter, club captain Richard Gremo played an inspiration match and with an eagle and three birdies over the closing holes put the home team one up at the start. Unfortunately, only two more matches were won outright by the home side and Chestfield finished winners by seven matches to five. At Chestfield the Seasalter team did exceptionally well and narrowly missed out on a halved match. Led by stand in vice- captain John Wegner, the team managed to lose by a narrow one match margin with a final five matches to four win for Chestfied.

Midweekers Section Captain Peter Shearing, Vice Captain Ray Thomas
Secretary Peter Fox

The Peter Hadlow June Cup on 5th June was played in reasonable conditions for an English summers day, no rain!
The Captains Challenge played with John Fullager as a stand in for the V Captain, ran its now familiar course, with a one hole defeat to Tommy Burns and Don Crawford. Thanks to John it was a very tight game. The V Captain was pleased as it proved to him that our previous run of results was not down to him.
The competition was won with a very good net score of 63 by Gary Hartley-Trigg 2nd on count back with 64 Tony Lavender from in third Bob Daniels
Birdies were on the 6/15 Albert Adams, Eric Rochester, Tony Lavender, Colin Satchell, Ernie West, Chris Reeves and Bill Cloke on the 4th Tommy Burns.
Charity sweep winners Tony Taunton, Colin Satchell and Colin Holton

The second competition of June the Dave King Trophy again played in reasonable conditions, just a light drizzle towards the end.
The Captains Challenge was a real shock as it resulted in a win, for the fully restored team,3 and 1 over Don and Tom BUT the euphoria was short lived as it appears the Captains team played off full handicaps rather than 3/4(try anything to win) This will still have to be explained to what will be a heart broken V Captain!
The winner of the competition with a very steady 39 points on count back was Rod Whitehead from in 2nd place John Fullager. Third on count back from a number of players was Ian Burton with 38 points.
Congratulations to Roy Keohane for a hole in one on the 16th, as the ace was in competition his name will go up on the board
There were 4 birdies; sorry names not to hand before going to press.
Charity sweep winners were John Fullagar, who drew his own number, and Ron Orford
One other score of note was a back nine of 26 points by Alan Fowler (phew)
P S as the summer has improved the turnout for the M.Ws swindle days has been very good with a number of new faces taking part, a welcome to all.

Veteran’s Section
Captain Barry Broadbent, Secretary Bob Ireland

Monday 1st July the rescheduled match V The Ridge was played, unfortunately our winning streak deserted us and we lost 3-2 but with several games in hand over the rest of the clubs, our position in third place in the league looks set for improvement!

Future Fixtures
Friday 12th July Broome Park home 0900 hrs
Friday 19th July Chestfield home 0900 hrs
Tuesday 23rd July Tudor Park away 0830 hrs
Friday 9th August Etchinghill away 0830 hrs
Friday 16th August The Ridge away 0900 hrs

Super Seventies Organiser and Captain Alec Parrett
The Supers, captained this time by George Bawden, went to near-neighbours Chestfield and enjoyed a good game that resulted in a creditable two-all draw.
A good result this, which halted our sad showings away in the League this year. We are attracting some newer blood, if not younger, but the spirit has been rekindled, and long may it continue.
David Kinnersley and Des Barker won their match 3&2, whilst the Steigmann/Earlam and Lambert/Taunton pairs grabbed a half.
A few days later and in some great sunshine at Collinwood Road, we welcomed Canterbury’s big-hitters to a baguette and coffee before the swinging began. True to form they won the first game in a canter and only surrendered to our strong second pairing of the two Tonys, Bensted and Taunton, who drew the admiration of the Canterbury pair for their skill. Elsewhere, a fight back by Ian Wingate and Les Cox came too late to save the day. They needed to win on the last to grab a point but sadly their balls were frightened of the dark. So it was back to losing ways with a final 3-1 defeat.
The Super Seventies travel to Broome Park on Thursday July 25. If you have the muscle, the will to travel and are free, put your names down. The list is up. With the match clashes with Whitstable’s Kent Vets now out of the way for the rest of the season we could field some strong teams, but please try not to double-book with our usual Thursday Salts’ game!

Fundraising 100 Club
This fundraising venture costs £1 per month, with monthly prizes of £30, £20 and £15. There is a bonus double draw at Christmas each year. You’ve got to be in it to win it!

1st £30.00 Chris Chapman
2nd £20.00 Tony Henley
3rd £10.00 Peter Shearing

Our Captain Richard Gremo is looking for support for a 9 hole qualifying competition to be held on a Friday which will hopefully replace the social golf which seems to have died a death last year! There is a form in the clubhouse for you to put your name to if you are for the proposal.

What’s on for the next two months?


Monday 1st am Ladies Jamboree at Faversham
Tuesday 2nd am Ladies Woodrow/Wren Trophy
Thursday 4th am Old Salts Frank Fox Trophy Medal
Friday 5th 1200hrs Ladies v St Augustines (home)
Saturday 6th all day Men’s Invitation Day
Sunday 7th am Captains Swindle
Monday 8th am Ladies V Old Salts Centenary Cup
Tuesday 9th am Ladies Medal
Wednesday 10th am Midweekers Eynon Price Members Medal
Friday 12th 0900hrs Vets v Broome Park
Friday 12th 1030hrs Ladies v Faversham (away)
Saturday 13th am Qualifying Medal
Sunday 14th am Qualifying Medal (Scratch Cup)
Monday 15th am Old Salts v North Foreland (home)
Tuesday 16th am Ladies Captains Day
Thursday 18th am Old Salts Captains Day & Peter Tuckers 75’s Trophy
Friday 19th 0900hrs Vets v Chestfield (home)
Sunday 21st am Sheerness (away)
Sunday 21st am Captains Swindle
Monday 22nd am Senior Secretaries meeting at St Augustines
Tuesday 23rd am Ladies competition
Tuesday 23rd 0830 Vets v Tudor Park (away)
Thursday 25th am Old Salts Dennis Fewtrell Trophy Medal
Friday 26th am Midweekers July Sweeps Stableford
Friday 26th 1200hrs Ladies v Chestfield (away)
Saturday 27th all day Captains day
Sunday 28th am Frend Cup Stableford
Monday 29th am Super Seventies v Etchinghill
Tuesday 30th am Ladies Lowe Trophy
Tuesday 30th am Old Salts V Westgate (away)


Friday 2nd 1200hrs Ladies v Westgate
Saturday 3rd am Qualifying Medal
Saturday 3rd pm Match v Westgate (home)
Sunday 4th All day Presidents Prize 36 holes
Monday 5th am Old Salts v Walmer and Kingsdown (away
Tuesday 6th am Ladies Competition
Wednesday 7th pm Ladies Past Captain’s Trophy
Thursday 8th am Old Salts Senior’s Cup Medal
Friday 9th 0830hrs Kent Vets v Etchinghill
Friday 9th 1300hrs Junior’s Stableford
Saturday 10th pm Mixed Invitation
Sunday 11th am Captain’s swindle
Monday 12th am Old Salts Invitation Day
Tuesday 13th am Ladies Medal
Tuesday 13th pm Super Seventies v North Foreland (home)
Wednesday 14th am Midweekers T Backhouse Rose Bowl Medal
Friday 16th 0900hrs Kent Vets v The Ridge (away)
Friday 16th 1200hrs Ladies v The Ridge (home)
Sunday 18th am Monthly Medal
Tuesday 20th am Ladies Texas Scramble
Thursday 22nd am Old Salts Duncan Monro Trophy Medal
Friday 23rd am Midweekers A Sait August Shield Stableford
Sunday 25th am Texas Scramble
Monday 26th pm RNLI Mixed Greensomes
Tuesday 27th am Ladies Competition
Wednesday 28th am Old Salts v St Augustines Kay Shield (home)
Friday 30th 1130hrs Ladies Invitation Day
Saturday 31st 1300hrs Esworthy Rose Bowl

Ebb and Flow (letters section)

The Editor would appreciate your comments or suggestions of ways to improve the club, course, magazine, web site, social activities, or anything else that comes to mind! Get writing – it’s your club say what you want!

I know there are people reading this publication as all the copies printed disappear, doesn’t anyone have something to say?


Answers to last months Ditloids

3 Legs On A Tripod, 4 Chambers In The Heart, 5 Players In A Basketball Team, 6 Balls In An Over, 7 Events In A Heptathlon, 8 Legs On A Spider, 9 Lives Of A Cat, 10 Skittles At The End Of A Bowling Alley


Any contributions of any type will be considered, puzzles, stories, history, Anecdotes, your chance to get your stuff in print!


Some random thoughts on life etc
If an article is attractive, or useful, or inexpensive, they’ll stop making it tomorrow; if it’s all three, they stopped making it yesterday. 

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch it to be sure. 

If there is something you must do and you cannot do it, you cannot do anything else. 

How is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person?
The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.
I tell you this, and I tell you plain:
What you have done, you will do again;
You will bite your tongue, careful or not,
Upon the already-bitten spot.

As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
A bargain is something you can’t use at a price you can’t resist.
It’s always been and always will be the same in the world: The horse does the work and the coachman is tipped.
What you discover about life’s shell game is that it’s hardest to follow the pea when you’re the pea. An unwatched pot boils immediately.
If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking around the house in the dark.
Anything you lose automatically doubles in value.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time.
How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a campfire?
Never do anything that you wouldn’t want to explain to the paramedics.
Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.
Why do they put the Gideon Bibles only in the bedrooms, where it’s usually too late, and not in the barroom downstairs? It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance. It’s frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions. 


If you have any unwanted clubs or equipment sell them through this Publication or the Web Site and donate 10% to the Captains Charity! Send the details to my e-mail robert.ireland@gmail.com , by post or place the details on the notice board marked for my attention.

Some new items from Bernie Whitaker

A set of Benross Gold Irons, 5 to pitching wedge
They have senior flex graphite shafts and are in very good condition

Price £75.00

Contact Bernie Whitaker on 01795 539595