Whitstable Tidings Issue 5 2014

WHITSTABLE TIDINGS The monthly journal of Whitstable and Seasalter Golf Club Collingwood Road, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 1EB Tel 01227 272020 e-mail secretary@whitstable-golfclub.co.uk Web site www.whitstable-golfclub.co.uk
Issue no.5 Volume 3 1St May 2014
Editor Bob Ireland, 01227 638425, 07802874914,robert.ireland@gmail.com
Instructions to proceed with the work have been given but the Contractor has a significant backlog of work as a result of the wet winter. They should be able to start towards the end of May.
This project will mean far less dependence on piped processed water, is the correct way to proceed ecologically, and should pay for itself within 5 years.
We have now had several meetings with the Architect we appointed, who has now prepared a Pre Planning Application for building three high quality detached houses on the site, which will be submitted to Canterbury City Council shortly. This building work will have little impact on the golf course and purely involves the unused ground to the left of the 8th Tee.
This is a very long term project and we are in no hurry to proceed,. and two low offers for immediate purchase of the land without planning permission have been declined.
The Board have decided to purchase a second hand re-conditioned electric buggy for hire to both members and visitors at reasonable rates, It is the standard type of buggy used on most golf courses taking two players and their clubs.
It will also be available for course emergencies and routine course inspections.

A Pay As You Go mobile phone has been provided behind the Bar – for emergency use only. The Telephone No. is :-
A new coin-operated coffee machine, which uses fresh water, has been purchased by the Club and has now been installed. The machine takes all silver and gold currency and gives change when necessary. The choice of drinks and prices are virtually unchanged
Like most Golf Clubs we are always looking for new Members to replace those who move away or just get too old to play. Our average age is higher than most clubs, which has its effect on our membership. We will therefore be advertising again this year from March onwards and our new Membership Director Richard Gremo is currently considering our advertising campaign with our President Michael Behr. If anyone has any ideas please contact either of them – they will be pleased to hear from you. We will also be offering a £50 Incentive to existing Members who introduce new Full Playing Members to the Club. Full details will be available soon – the incentive will be by way of a discount from the next year’s subscription. There will be no limit to the number of incentives, which can be earned in any year. So introduce 10 Members for a free year!
Recent Events St George’s Day 23rd April
What a great day, the weather was good, most players turned out in red and white, some even went to the extreme of dressing as Knights, Paul Guilfoyle, Howard Gordon, Glenn Snook and Bernard Marsh all arrived at the tee in costume well done guys, you looked terrific! They also played the comp. in costume which must have made things very difficult, well done them.
The St George’s Shield 9 hole Stableford was won by Colin Holton with 22 points, second Howard Gordon on c/b with 20 points and third Robin George. The St George’s Medal competition on the back nine was won with a net 31.8 by Robin George, second just, was Holly Butler with 31.9 and third Don Williams on 32.
The evening entertainment was a typically English meal ably supplied by Tony Love, followed by singing of some patriotic songs and general merriment. Thanks are due to all who helped with the day, Eynon Price, Peter Shearing, Ray Thomas, and especially Maddy Shaw and her daughter Emma who made the flags. I hope we get a lot more use of those flags in the coming years!
This proved to be a very popular event BUT there were a number of people who failed, for whatever reason, to turn up for the evening. NOW whilst this may not seem too important to them, the loss in revenue to the catering dept. has had to be recompensed by the Social Committee. In future if your name has been entered for any event that has a cost, YOU will be charged if you do not attend.
Greens Committee Report
There are no greens reports this month but will all members please note the a temporary out of bounds is now in force on the left hand side of the 5th fairway on the edge of the ditch. Any ball over this line, in the ditch or beyond is OOB and the penalty shot must be played from where the original shot was played. The penalty is 1 shot + distance.
Forthcoming Events Future Secretary
We are looking for a secretary to take over when Brian Best retires, so all those who know how to run the club (and there are plenty of those!) are welcome to put their names forward. I should point out that this is not an immediate position change, it’s just that Brian will want to retire his position at some time in the future and a new secretary will be needed to take over then.
Vouchers for sale
Valid Until
Ashford Bearsted Broome Park Canterbury Chart Hills Chestfield Faversham Gillingham Langley Park Mid Kent North Foreland Sene Valley Sheerness Sittingbourne St. Augustine’s (2) Walmer & Kingsdown N/A
West Kent Westgate Woodlands Manor
01/12/14 & 28/02/15
28/02/15 20/03/15
31/12/14 31/12/14
31/12/14 06/03/15
01/04/15 31/12/14 30/06/15 31/03/15
01/04/15 01/03/15
31/03/15 20/03/15 20/03/15
All proceeds to: Captain’s Charity: the On Course Foundation Reg. Charity 726 7733
Providing ‘long term benefits for wounded, injured and sick servicemen, women and veterans through monthly, nationwide, golf skills and employment training events’.
All offers to the President 01227 274775
I am looking for some good photographs of the Club and course, which I can include on the Web site. If anyone has any or would like to go around with me before the weather gets too bad and get some please get in touch.
The Old Salts Captain George Bawden Vice Captain and Secretary Ian Wingrove
April 3 saw the start of real golf at Collingwood Road for the Salts as the magnificent Ken Vickers Trophy came on offer to the winner of the first medal of the season. The mighty Colin Holton saw to it that he carried off the mounted sought after pewter tankard to the cheers (and a few even jeered) of the assembled throng of Old Salts as Colin Captain George Bawden announced that Colin was the winner with a net 62. Second, and a little tearful at seeing such a elegant trophy slip through his hands, was the improving Brian Ridley with 64. Third for the Players was Robbie Fudge on 66. For the Gentlemen Sid Silk, playing again with two good knees, skipped in with 69. George Earlam carded a 74 on second place from Ryn Hudson on count back. In the Captain’s Challenge George and Ian lost 4 and 3 to Colin and Gwyn Oakley.
Days later the sun disappeared and the fears of the Salts who were scheduled to play at Walmer in the second match of the season were realised as the rain swept the cliff-top course and waterproofs were donned. We paddled away from the course in the late afternoon, shrunken, speechless and saddened with one win and two halved games, making a six and two defeat. John Wegner and Clive Witten waved the dripping flag for Whitstable with the only win, whilst Fred Stokes, who does not thrive in wet conditions, and Alec Parrett, were caught on the last hole to concede a half. Brian Ridley and Ian Wingrove, back to better form, also shared the honours.
The busy schedule of games saw the Salts playing at Chesfield three days later, suffering a narrow 31⁄2– 41⁄2 setback in a game played on 18 temporary greens. A mighty effort for which we just came up short but which promises well for the future.
On Monday April 14, playing Sheerness at home, the busy Salts showed how again, with a fine four to three win in glorious sunshine. Captain George partnered by Bob Ireland came in with a win to make him smile again after a drubbing at Chestfield. If we think we are a busy club, George was told at the lunch afterwards that the visiting Rams play 90 matches a year!
In the Drawn Pairs Better Ball competition held on the 24th in better than expected conditions, Malcolm Cane and John Wegner romped home with an outrageous 48 points. Malcolm said he had never played better … and partnered with the in-form Mr Wegner there was always only one outcome. Popular Robbie Fudge, who was later presented with the Winter Eclectic Savage Trophy, partnered Vice Captain Ian Wingrove to notch up a very creditable 44 points to take second spot, followed closely by the Dines/Bensted pairing. A great day was had by all and the prize-giving afterwards was a great affair. Colin Holton got his vodka for winning the Bawden’s Bottle series, and had to endure a hearty, if out of tune, rendering of ‘Happy Birthday’ for being a year older as he accepted his hootch. Robbie Fudge got up again to get his bottle of red for coming second to Colin, with Peter Steigmann third.
One item that should get a mention in Tidings is that the flower beds on the approach road into the club were judged in the Whitstable In Bloom competition to be worthy of an £80 grant. Here’s to Shirley Rosser, Mary Calthrop and Eve Ridley for that and for the rest of their labours keeping the course and its environs looking so attractive.
Junior Section Captain Jack Tucker, Vice Captain Marika Rapley
Like the other sections in the Club, the Juniors are now fully underway with the season. Our Monday evening sessions have started and, apart from Monday 7th when it poured with rain, have been very well attended. Saturday 5th was the last of the winter monthly competitions, a stableford which was very ably won by our rising star Mia Waddingham with 40 points. Naturally, her handicap was cut but despite this she still managed to come a very close second in the Comer Cup, played last Saturday 26th, with 41 points, however, their Captain, young Jack Tucker came in with a magnificent 44 points to claim the trophy. Handicap reductions all round! Unfortunately, the Allard Cup, which is usually played for on the same day, did not take place as this is a competition for under 13 years and at the moment we do not have any juniors with a handicap of 28 or below to qualify for this competition.
This Saturday (3rd) is Junior Captains’ Day and we have a good entry from all sections of the Club so we are praying for good weather and are sure it will be a great success.
Ladies Section Captain Linda Bawden, Vice Captain Beryl Wingrove Secretary Jean Hudson The first competition in April was a Yellow Ball competition played in teams of 3 and the great big yellow ball in the sky came out in celebration. It was a glorious Spring morning and a pleasure to be out playing golf. Mary King,
Jacky Barker and Louise Tucker were the winning trio, bagging themselves a large Easter Egg each. Sally Lawson, Pat Bensted and Linda Bawden were close behind and Jackie Witten, Marie Hood and Sheila Wyles were next in the pecking order.
Medal golf returned the week after but the only real winner was the wind. 28 ladies teed off, but not all completed both nines. Joyce Jaynes had the best score on the day, net 77, Sally Lawson was second (n79) and Linda Bawden third (n82)-the scores provide some idea of how tricky the conditions were!
The Spring Greensomes produced a large field mid-month who enjoyed bright but chilly conditions. Maddy Shaw and Louise Tucker were victorious with a solid 36 points, Beryl Wingrove and Joan Sykes, a new and welcome member, second with 34.
Joan Sykes went one better the following week to win the Cancer Spoon with 32 points from Penny Kinnersley and Val Brown both on 29 points. And in the Charity Stableford at the end of the month Val Brown then improved on her previous second place to win with a very respectable 36 points. Joyce Janes was second with 33 and Maz Garlinge third with 31.
We were unlucky to lose out in the Captain’s Cup to Lamberhurst. Linda and Andy Sargeant won their match, Margaret Barker and Bob Ireland lost theirs and overall the team lost by one hole. We also lost out at St Augustines in a friendly match, 2 1⁄2 to 1 1⁄2, but had a lovely days golf and splendid food! Better success was had in the Tappin Trophy. The team beat Lydd 2-1 so progress to the next round which will be away at North Foreland. And we also won away at Sheerness in a match that was reduced to 9 holes as a result of a ferocious downpour.
The Bank Holiday Mixed Greensomes was well-attended as usual and only 1 point separated the top 4 pairs. Molly and Barry Broadbent were victorious on 39 points, with the Wittens, Bensteds, George Bawden and Inge Parry finishing 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively all on 38 points. Sheila and Mick Wyles had the best front nine, Holly Butler and Howard Gordon the best back nine. All the Club Captain’s helped to run an Easter Egg hunt on Easter Saturday, ably assisted by Junior Captain, Jack Tucker, and his younger sister Millie. More than 20 children enjoyed food, a bouncy castle and putting lessons in addition to the Egg hunt and accompanying chocolate. A lovely afternoon was had by all.
The coffee morning was, as always, well-supported and we thank everyone for their generosity in raising over £650. Early in the month Captain Linda also organised a lovely little golfing mini- break. Despite being half drowned and mud-bathed last year, 21 ladies braved a return trip to London Beach, Tenterden. They were rewarded with brilliant golf conditions. The course presented its usual challenges, resulting in many disappointing scores. Comments overheard included “that was the worst game I have played in my life” and “the greens were just not receptive to our putts!” But everyone managed 18 holes, with 4 merry buggies bringing up the field.
Winner on the day was Pat Bensted, second was Val Brown, followed by Mel Bashford. A great achievement for Mel, playing her first 18 hole game after recent surgery. Best back 9 score went to Linda Bawden, best front 9 to Judy Butcher .
After cream teas, dinner, a celebration of Mary King being 21 again and a breakfast fit
 for a Queen, off we all went to do it again. There were many score improvements on the re-run. Winner on the second day was Pat Bensted, second was Sheila Wyles and third was Irene Snowdon. Best back 9:Jean Hudson, best front 9: Sally Lawson.
Winner overall was the course; with primrose banks, bluebell woods, woodpeckers, geese, ducks and a steam train in the distance. There was no falling out, many smiles and lots of laughter. One complaint was received by Lady Captain Linda, from Cath Whitehead. She was miffed that her playing partners laughed long and loud when she lost her 6th ball! Between them, they lost ten, so no harm done.
Seriously though, overall winner was Pat Bensted, congratulations on very consistent score cards, the same both days. A special presentation was made to Cath, of a motley collection of balls cobbled together to compensate her for her loss!

  Men’s Section Captain Andy Sargeant, Vice Captain Ted Henderson
Golf Report for Sunday mornings – April 14 April’s club medal competition was played in difficult conditions with longer than usual rough and an awkward wind direction adding strokes to the scores of all but a handful of competitors. Gary Morgan managed to keep his game under control and finished easy winner three strokes clear of the rest of the field. Despite two double bogies over the closing holes Gary’s front nine was solid enough to leave him three shots clear of Mark Payne who might have won but for four dropped shots on the seventh. Jonathan Whorlow’s seventy- two proved once again to be the best gross score on the day. Fifteen past captains competed for this year’s prestigious Skinner Trophy prize and John Wegner showed his class yet again, retaining the trophy for a second consecutive year. His comfortable forty points score, helped by two birdies on the front nine was four clear of runner up Derek Bates and six clear of Don Crawford who finished in third place. The Stableford competition played at the same time provided a chance for Ian Burton to demonstrate his golfing prowess. His 39 points, which included back to back birdies on 16 and 17, was good enough to put him a point clear of the rest of the field. Jonathan Whorlow also enjoyed back to back birdies on his back nine but he had to settle for second place despite a superb round that just wasn’t quite good enough. A Whitstable team proved too strong for Sheerness in the recent home leg of this year’s friendly inter club matches with a Whitstable win by six and a half to four and a half matches. It remains to be seen whether the club can do as well in the away match later this year.
Midweekers Section Captain Ray Thomas, Vice Captain Bob Ireland Secretary Peter Fox Wednesday 9th April was the Peter West Easter Cup. Our opponents in the Captain’s Challenge were Glenn Snook and Paul Guilfoyle. This pairing was really up for it, with plenty of whispered tactics going on along the fairways, it was a cat and mouse affair all morning and the match finally ended all square. The result of the main competition was Mike Cousins on net 66, 2nd place on countback also with 66 was Mark Blackmore, and I’m pleased to say that vice Captain Bob Ireland was a worthy winner on net 65. Birdie winners were Tony Taunton on the 6th,and Mike Cousins and Peter Shearing on the 4th/13th. Charity sweep winners were 2nd Don Crawford, 1st David Hogson. Friday 25th April saw the Kenny Bills April Cup competition. Our opponents in the Captain’s Challenge were that man again Paul Guilfoyle out to beat us with his new partner Roy Lee. Tony Love was my partner as Bob Ireland was on his way to participate in Countdown on TV. Bob will let us know when it will be televised. Roy played the first nine like a man possessed. I on the other hand played like I was possessed and was let out for the day. Paul took over the reins on the 2nd nine, but in the end the match was tied. This was due to (and I know he doesn’t like all the fuss and adulation) Tony who played superb and kept us in the game. The only thing I won’t miss when my Captaincy comes to an end is the Captains Challenge. I’m sure if it wasn’t for this I’d be Golfer of the Year. I now realise I can’t multi task (two comps in one) As for the competition in 3rd place with 37pts was James Marsh, 2nd place on c/b was Dave Chalk on 37pts,and the winner on 38pts was Rob Davis. Surprisingly their were no birdies, I can’t remember this happening before. Charity sweep winners were John Allen and Trevor Croxton. Peter Shearing was presented with a bottle of wine for having played in fifty competitions.
Ray Thomas
Veteran’s Section Captain Barry Broadbent, Secretary Bob Ireland
2014 Fixture List
Etchinghill home Friday 4th April Canterbury away Monday 28th April (Dress Note Jacket and Tie for dinner)
0900 hrs 1230 hrs
0900 hrs 0830 hrs 0900 hrs 0830 hrs
Canterbury home Chestfield away Tudor Park home Broome Park away
Friday 9th May Friday 23rd May Monday 2nd June Tuesday 24th June
(Now subject to change as it conflicts with Ladies Jamboree)
Broome Park home Chestfield home Tudor Park away Etchinghill away
Friday 11th July Friday 18th July Tuesday 22nd July Friday 8th August
0900 hrs 0900 hrs 0830 hrs 0830 hrs
This list will be posted in the Clubhouse so please indicate your availability to play to avoid disappointment!
Super Seventies Organiser and Captain Alec Parrett
After our first game of the season against neighbours Chestfield that ended in a 3-2 defeat for Collingwood Road at home, we are poised for a comeback in the next chapter against Broome Park on Tuesday May 13.
Big hitting BP are going for the hat-trick of title wins in League C but have not started as well this time and are just above us with eight points after tasting defeat away by the odd match of five at Etchinghill, rather like our showing against Chestfield.
So it shows that they can be bested away and we have our ten stalwarts ready for the fray (if not the spray if it rains).
Ladies’ Captain Linda Bawden has kindly allowed the grey brigade to share her Ladies day on the afternoon of the 13th for our match with Broome Park. The ladies enjoy their Spring Meeting that day and the Super Seniors will try to stay out of their hair. But sandwiched between them and the usual Tuesday evening social golf will call for some fine tuning. Hopefully we shall
  still be able to host Broome Park in our customary way with a hot baguette and a coffee for starters. If not, we may not get too much of an argument from Tony Love who has much more on his plate that day trying to feed just about everyone.
Fundraising100 Club
This fundraising venture costs £1 per month, with monthly prizes of £30, £20 and £15. There is a bonus double draw at Christmas each year. There are plenty of spare numbers so get buying!
1st 2nd 3rd
£30.00 £20.00 £10.00
Sally Lawson Mike Kelleher Jan Bunes
What’s on for the next two months?
Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Sunday 11th Sunday 11th Tuesday 13th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th Sunday 18th Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Friday 23rd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Friday 30th Saturday 31st Saturday 31st
am Seniors open at St Augustines 1200hrs Ladies v Hythe (home) all day Junior Captain’s Day 0830hrs Daily Mail Foursomes
am Mixed Greensomes am Ladies Fourball Betterball am Midweekers Invitation Day 0900hrs Kent Vets v Canterbury pm Mixed Match v Westgate (away) am Harry Johnson Cup am Monthly Medal all day Ladies Spring Meeting Super Seventies v Broome Park (home) am Midweekers D Fewtrell May Madness Shield Medal am Old Salts v Faversham (away) pm Ex Servicemen’s Trophy am Captain’s swindle pm Mixed Match v Sheerness am Old Salts v Westgate (home) am Ladies Medal 1330hrs Ladies White Elephant 0830hrs Kent Vets v Chestfield (away) 1030hrs Ladies v Chestfield (away) Super Seventies v Canterbury (away) all day Captains Charity Golf Day am Captains swindle 1230hrs Mixed Greensome am Ladies Competition Midweekers Martin’s Trophies Trophy Stableford am Qualifying Medal 1300hrs Juniors Aspen and King Trophies
Sunday 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Saturday 7th to Friday 13th Golf Week
am Monthly Medal 0900hrs Kent Vets v Tudor Park (home) am Ladies Tim Pullen Trophy am Midweekers P Hadlow June Cup Medal 1300hrs Kent Captains GC Hamstaw Trophy 1200hrs Ladies v Sheerness (home)
Friday 13th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Friday 20th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Tuesday 24th Tuesday 24th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th Sunday 29th Monday 30th
pm Golf week prize giving Old Salts v Chestfield (home) am Ladies Medal 1200hrs Ladies v North Foreland (home) pm Super Seventies v Chestfield (away) 1300hrs Juniors Seath Cup All Day Canterbury Cup am Old Salts V St Augustines (home) am Ladies Competition 1300hrsSuper Seventies v Canterbury (home) 0830hrs Kent Vets v Broome Park (away) am Old Salts Hugh Ridley Trophy Medal am Midweekers D King June Trophy Stapbeford pm Directors Cup am Geo Fitt Bowl Seasalter am Billmeir Plate Chestfield 1030 Ladies Jamboree
Ebb and Flow (letters section)
The Editor would appreciate your comments or suggestions of ways to improve the club, magazine, web site, social activities, or anything else that comes to mind! Get writing – it’s your club say what you want! If you have any specific questions about the course please direct them to the Course Director Malcolm Kent or use the suggestion book.
Flotsam and Jetsam
The winner of last month’s competition was Mike Behr who solved the puzzle. The answer was A fool and his money are soon parted. (Unlikely in Mike’s case) I understand that this was considered easy BUT that was the first one and this one may not be so easy
This month’s comp is to find the answer to the following question.
The well known quote below is encoded with a simple exchange system where each letter is replaced by another letter or number but beware the number value increases by one each time the letter it is replacing is used. Also so as to not make it too easy I have grouped the words in 5 character groups. Good luck, a £20 bar voucher awaits the first person to tell Steve the answer!
V8lvo 9sclo gy10kn iot12 clm311 45clt oqnzz cjps6 zpn127 Have fun!
Last months won again by Mike Behr was A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link.

Poetry Corner
Any contributions of any type will be considered, puzzles, stories, history, Anecdotes, your chance to get your stuff in print!
Three Kiwis and three Aussies are traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three Aussies each buy tickets and watch as the three Kiwis buy only a single ticket. “How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?” asks an Aussie. “Watch and you’ll see,” answers a Kiwi. They all board the train. The Aussies take their respective seats but all three Kiwis cram into a bathroom and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the bathroom door and says,”Ticket, please.” The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and
moves on. The Aussies see this and agree it was quite a clever idea. So after the conference, the Aussies decide to copy the Kiwis on the return trip and save some money (being clever with money, and all that). When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the Kiwis don’t buy a ticket at all. “How are you going to travel without a ticket?” says one perplexed Aussie. Watch and you’ll see,” answers a kiwi.
When they board the train the three Aussies cram into a bathroom and the three Kiwis cram into another one nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterward, one of the Kiwis leaves his bathroom and walks over to the bathroom where the Aussies are hiding. He knocks on the door and says, “Ticket, please.”
If you have any unwanted clubs or equipment sell them through this Publication or the Web Site and donate 10% to the Captains Charity! Send the details to my e-mail robert.ireland@gmail.com , by post or place the details on the notice board marked for my attention.
Callaway Big Bertha Heaven Wood 1H 14 degree loft with Big Bertha Uniflex steel shaft. Good condition with Benross head over. £ 30 Peter Steigmann Tel. 01227 262278 e-mail. steigmann@btinternet.com
Ladies Clubs
Cobra Ladies offset driver, 3 wood and 5 wood, £60 the lot Contact Ernie or Di West 01227 266581
Some from Eric Bean
Loco 10 degree Ocean 10.5 degree Hippo plus 10 degree
£10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £10.00 £50.00
£ 5.00 £ 3.00 each £50.00
wood Wilson 25 degree Offset
Hybrid Onyx 18 degree Full set of clubs and bag
Lob Wedge Condor 60 degree 3 assorted putters Hill Billy electric trolley battery and charger
Eric Bean 01227 740190
Donnay Golfshoes size 7 *NEW*
Donnay golf bag £10 Golf Bag £10 Stubart golf shoes size 7 £10 All the above contact Derrick Richardson 01227 361194
Hill Billy Terrain electric trolley with battery. £75 Linda Bawden. Tel no. 503905
Please let me know when these items have gone and I will delete them.